Member Services


Contact Us Today!

p: 204-954-7900


621 Erin Street, Winnipeg, MB

Member Services


Looking for a cost-effective way to promote your business?

Get on board with our West End BIZ cost-share and advertising opportunities!

Gain increased visibility for your business; further recognition via the BIZ e-newsletter, website and annual report; and an opportunity to contribute to the work of the West End BIZ and the larger community.


The West End BIZ endeavors to achieve the best “work, play, live” environment in the West End, which is addressed through our programming. In addition, the West End BIZ assists our members with a wide variety of issues, working with them to help them find solutions.

We are also the squeaky wheel to be heard, advocating in the best interest of our member businesses, with respect to safety, street enhancement, transportation, economic development and more. We work with the City, other levels of government and partners, as needed and appropriate, to effect change. We also work with and through the media, for the betterment of the West End.

Consultations, research, engagement and interaction with members, stakeholders, and all levels of government are key to identifying current priorities for advocacy. We aim to understand the ongoing needs of our member businesses and their customers, as well as our many stakeholders; our partners in this diverse community.

The West End BIZ may advocate on issues, including, but not limited to:

  • Loading zones and parking concerns
  • Infrastructure repairs
  • Permits and/or rezoning
  • Business tax issues
  • Rapid transit and active transportation
  • Responding to negative media
  • Amounts allocated for BIZ zones in the City’s capital budget
  • Bulky waste, garbage issues and derelict buildings
  • Lighting, community policing and safety initiatives
  • Image issues – graffiti, posters
  • Capital projects and development
  • Area stewardship
  • And others, as relevant and appropriate


We are here to help. Please don’t hesitate to call us with a question, to bring up a concern or if you want to share an idea. We encourage you to stay engaged with us by joining our e-newsletter recipient list, as well as following us on Facebook or Twitter. We also invite you to consider participation on one of our committees or on the BIZ Board of Management. Contact us any time at (204) 954-7900.

Bike Racks

The West End has installed over 150 bike racks in the West End neighbourhood. Contact us today if you would like a bike rack in front of your business.

Exterior Lighting Sponsorship

This sponsorship is new for non-profit organizations in the West End BIZ area. The BIZ already offers a variety of grant programs, including a Safety Grant specifically for businesses. The goal of this sponsorship program is to encourage and assist other organizations in the area to improve their exterior lighting. Priority will be given to projects that provide wide light spillage, are located on main streets, or are adjacent to public spaces identified with low light conditions.

Event Sharing

The West End Biz is eager to help promote and share events taking place in and around the West End community. We aim to help bring people to the West End and showcase the variety of events and activities that the West End has to offer. The West End Biz is able to help promote and share businesses and organizations events on our Social Media accounts; this includes our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To learn more about our event sharing opportunities please click here. 

Floral Display Program

Over 300 curbside planters and 50 hanging baskets, filled with grasses and many plant varieties, are on display each summer. They add colour, vibrancy, and a sense of warmth to Winnipeg’s West End. Under this program the planters are owned by the BIZ and distributed throughout the area. Businesses can choose to look after the planters themselves or have the BIZ do it for them in exchange for a flat fee. 

Graffiti Removal

Offering grants for business improvement projects undertaken by our members is one of our most important programs. We offer grants up to 50% of a project with a maximum grant of $1000. In cases of very large investments, we may offer up to $3000. Investments undertaken by our members drive real change in the neighbourhood and we are always striving to help our members make their vision a reality. Learn more about our grants program here.

Member Email Update

Our e-newsletter is mailed out monthly to over 500 West End business  members and stakeholders. It contains more regular and current updates on BIZ activities, useful information for our members and other need-to-know information. If you have a promotion or event that you want to share, this may be an avenue to use. There is no cost attached. Contact us today to learn more or to be added to our mailing list to receive the monthly e-newsletter.

Partners in Prevention Safety Guide
Safety Patrols

The community safety patrol acts as additional “eyes and ears” for the Winnipeg Police Service. They are paid team of staff members dedicated to assisting the West End’s business and residential communities. Learn more about our Safety Patrols here. 

Safety Liaison Advising

The West End BIZ Safety Liaison Advising program allows members to receive safety advice directly from our Safety Liason. Contact us today to connect with our Safety Liaison. 

Additional Improvement Programs

Additional Sponsorships

Though the majority of BIZ programming is directly funded through the business levy, additional sponsorships allow for increased training and equipment for staff, expansions to current programming or the development of new and innovative projects to better serve our business community.

The following BIZ programs allow for sponsorship partnerships, many of which can be tailored to suit your business needs:

  • West End BIZ Patrol (uniforms, training, equipment)
  • Maintenance (golf cart, planters, flowers)
  • Sweep Off (t-shirts, supplies, in-kind donations)
  • Murals (wall space, painting supplies)
  • Mural Tours (brochures and pamphlet)

To further discuss these opportunities, please contact BIZ Executive Director, Joe Kornelsen at (204)-954-7900.

Information Kiosks

Information Kiosks (bulletin boards) were installed throughout the Spence neighbourhood. The kiosks provide on-street space for area businesses and residents to advertise, post information related to product sales, service promotions and upcoming community events. The kiosks provide a great alternative to the practice of posting notices on hydro poles. Maintenance staff and Patrol members are responsible for routinely removing outdated information.


The West End BIZ continues to bring art throughout the neighbourhood with our mural paintings. To see a map of all of the murals in the West End, click here.

Musical Notes & Lunch Totes

Musical Notes & Lunch Totes is a free lunch-hour concert at Saigon Park that happens every week during the summer. The West End BIZ partners with the West End Cultural Centre and our sponsors for this program,

Sidewalk Maintenance

The West End BIZ Street Neat Team works on keeping our community clean by removing weeds, daily litter removal, sidewalk sweeping and sidewalk snow clearing.

Street Beautification Improvments

Each summer a team of students funded by various programs (including Urban Green Team and Take Pride Winnipeg!) work hard to ensure that the West End looks its best. The team plants and maintains floral displays, pick up litter, performs minor repairs to street furniture and assists with graffiti removal as needed. They also assist at several community events and festivals, painting faces, creating balloon animals and participating in children’s activities and games.

  • Ellice and Sargent Tree Lighting
  • Public Space improvement; Saigon Park (Ellice Avenue & Spence Street), Community Crossing (Balmoral Street & Notre Dame Avenue), Community Corner (Sargent Avenue & Maryland Street), Neighbourhood Gateways
  • Street Furniture
  • Lamppost floral displays
  • Banners

    All banner designs contain cohesive elements to them, but serve to distinguish unique areas with a fresh look and message.

    Gateway banners hang from hydro poles along Portage Avenue, welcoming westbound visitors to the West End. The banners, in hues of green and blue, highlight the area’s large residential base, green space and its open feel.

    Four banner designs hang on light standards along major West End streets. The designs highlight one of four phrases related to our area’s assets: Commerce, Cuisine, Culture and Community. The BIZ website address is also prominently displayed on the banners.

    An additional set of banners promote Central Park and feature an image of the refurbished Waddell Fountain on them. They are installed in the vicinity of Central Park.

Sweep Off

Each spring over 150 students and staff from West End schools spend a day sweeping up litter and sand along major area thoroughfares. Participants are outfitted with t-shirts, gloves, masks and equipment. The BIZ provides participating schools with an honorarium in appreciation of their work..

Sidewalk Snow Clearing

The West End BIZ Street Neat Team clears sidewalks along all major streets in the West End. 

Helpful phone numbers

Not sure who to call? Check out our helpful phone numbers publication here.