The West End BIZ is activating Sargent Avenue with a bike valet, street musical performances and live mural painting to elevate your pedestrian experience every Saturday.
We are inviting you to EAT, DRINK and SHOP on Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Bike valet at 588 Sargent Ave – RBC Royal Bank
LIVE mural painting in 3 locations:
- 528 Sargent Ave – Unger Property Management
- 683 Sargent Ave – Hoa Thy Tailor
- 814 Sargent Ave – Zappia Realty
LIVE musical performances in 3 locations:
- 551 Sargent Ave – X cues Parking Lot
- The South East Maryland/Sargent corner
- 772 Sargent Ave – Home Street Park
A big thank you to Curbside Concerts for the amazing line-up of local talent.


Giveaway Contest – Saturdays on Sargent
explore card Pick up a Card! Each Explore Card is an invitation to go and explore Sargent Avenue and discover these 5 businesses: Goodlands Cafe Marwa Cobra Collectibes Prairie Glass Studio Addis Abeba Store Contest runs from August-October. Contest Details:...

Saturdays on Sargent: Street Activation
We are thrilled to introduce Saturdays on Sargent, our latest street activation project. With the support of our sponsors, Councillor Cindy Gilroy, the City of Winnipeg, the Province of Manitoba , RBC Royal Bank, as well as our members along Sargent Avenue, we worked...